Which cache plugin is compatible with Geo Controller? February 1, 2020 WP Fastest Cache is the most compatible cache plugin. Other cache plugins are also compatible but it is very important that the “server cache”…
Is there some GPS functionality? August 8, 2019 GPS is the most complicated functionality inside web development. Because security reasons, many browsers forbid GPS. We have one solution called GPS for Geo…
How to use Geo Controller inside JavaScript? June 19, 2018 JavaScript is enabled from version 5.2.0. In JavaScript you have 2 ways to get geo data from our plugin, using `cf.geoplugin` or `window.cfgeo` objects….
Why sometime on mobile device I get inaccurate results? June 19, 2018 For some desktop visitors and mobile users this data can be inaccurate if they or internet providers use proxy. Mobile users can be also…
Why some informations sometimes missing? June 19, 2018 Some countries do not provide all information via IP which can made this records inaccurate or some information can missing time to time. We…
Can I add some custom HTML inside Google Map? June 19, 2018 YES! Google map also allow you to use HTML inside map and display info bar: [cf_geo_map address=”No Name Street 35, New York, USA” title=”My…
Why can’t see Google Map? June 19, 2018 There is serval reasons: Your address field have bad informations Longitude and Latitude have a bad value In your country you need to use Google Map…
Geo Controller don’t display information June 19, 2018 It might be an error with the API and Geo Controller can’t display information by own. Look inside Geo Controller for all available shortcodes…
How to use Geo Controller inside ContactForm7? June 19, 2018 Here is one example how you can easy insert Geo Controller inside ContactForm 7. You must include javascript support to can work properly. [text*…
How to include CF GeopPlugin in PHP? June 19, 2018 In PHP you can use WordPress function do_shortcode() Example: or directly using PHP class: <?php if(class_exists(“CF_Geoplugin”)){ // include plugin class …