
Endpoint used to lookup IP address informations. To make this work properly, you must have a valid KEY and Access Token API.


Expected GET or POST parameters.

Parameter Type Obligation Description
action string required Endpoint action. Should always be: cf_geoplugin_lookup
api_key string required API KEY
access_token string required Generated access token
ip string required Client IP address
base_currency string optional The base currency (transaction currency) – The currency by which conversion is checked by geo location. Default: USD

Return standard JSON API response format:
	"ip" : "",
	"ip_version" : 4,
	"ip_dns" : "",
	"ip_dns_host" : "",
	"ip_dns_provider" : "",
	"ip_number" : "3649749028",
	"country_code" : "GB",
	"country" : "Great Britain",
	"region" : "England",
	"region_code" : "",
	"state" : "England",
	"city" : "United Kingdom",
	"continent" : "Europe",
	"continent_code" : "EU",
	"address" : "United Kingdom, England, Great Britain",
	"area_code" : "",
	"dma_code" : "",
	"latitude" : 51.508529663086,
	"longitude" : -0.12574000656605,
	"timezone" : "Europe\/Zurich",
	"locale" : "en_GB,ga_GB,cy_GB,gd_GB,kw_GB",
	"timezoneName" : "Europe\/Zurich",
	"currency" : "GBP",
	"currency_symbol" : "£",
	"base_currency" : "USD",
	"base_currency_symbol" : "$",
	"currency_converter" : 0.7684,
	"host" : "wpgeocontroller.com",
	"ip_host" : "",
	"timestamp" : 1580843778,
	"timestamp_readable" : "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:16:27 +0000",
	"current_time" : "19:44:20",
	"current_date" : "February 4, 2020",
	"is_vat" : 1,
	"in_eu" : 1,
	"gps" : 0,
	"accuracy_radius" : "200km",
	"runtime" : 0.28025,
	"error" : false,
	"error_message" : "",
	"code" : 206

You can use these JSON information in your external app anywhere.

TIP: In order for your external app to be fast, it would be good to make this call once and record in a temporary session that will expire after few minutes.

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