Benefits of Geo Controller

Benefits of the Geo Controller

Geo Controller (formerly: Geo Controller) is GeoMarketing tool that allows you to have full geo control of your WordPress. Geo Controller gives you ability to attach content, geographic informations, geo tags, Google maps to posts, pages, widgets and custom templates by using simple, options shortcodes, PHP code or JavaScript. It also lets you to specify a default geographic location for your entire WordPress blog, do SEO redirection, spam protection, WooCommerce control and many more. Geo Controller help you to increase conversion, do better SEO, capture leads on your blog or landing pages.


  • There is no need to buy expensive and heavy databases
  • No affect on the site performances
  • Full support for the WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, Yoast SEO, WP Super Cache and other most popular plugins


  • Redirects visitors to a blog page based on their geo informations by SEO rules
  • Redirects visitors to a predefined URL based on their geo informations by SEO rules
  • Allows you to configure multiple redirection rules as needed for the pages and enthire website
  • Supports 301, 302, 303 & 304 HTTP redirection
  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6
  • Geo Tag Generator attach Geo Tags in the head of your website for the specific pages
  • Cache support


  • Create marketing campaigns targeted only at certain locations.
  • Create landing pages targeted only at certain locations.
  • Create banners, videos and any other content targeted only at certain locations.

E-COMMERCE | WooCommerce

  • Country Payment Control for your WooCommerce instalation
  • Display local currency, local symbol or converter
  • Use currency converter to calculate price in local currency
  • Use VAT to check is current country under tax rate


  • Spam protection from the danger visitors or spammers
  • Blocking access on the website from the specific user defined locations
  • Blocking IP Addresses from accessing on the website


  • Redirect incoming traffic to content in the local language or currency.
  • Businesses with local branches can direct customers to a relevant physical location or local microsite.
  • Filter required legal notices, text, forms, etc. from countries for whom those content may not be relevant.
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